Saturday, 11 July 2009


design now

Ron Arad Associates
Studio Aisslinger


Dodo Arslan | Design Studio
Dodo Arslan | Design Studio. Furniture, Product, Graphic and Web Design. Prizes: Mini Design Award, Young & Design, Pirelli P Zero Logo Competition, Art Directors Club, Design Plus, Good Design Award, KIDA Grand Prize. Exibitions: Welltech Award at Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica di Milano, Inside Art at Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, Italian Design on Tour (New York, Las Vegas, Shanghai, New Delhi, Berlin e London), Tipi Italiani. Clients: Saporiti Italia, Guzzini, S.Pellegrino, VinDesign, Massimo Lunardon, Pirelli, Joint Project, Lucente, SpHaus, Locatelli Italia, Ikea, Timberland, Chicco Artsana, Firme di Vetro, Deutsche Post, British American Tobacco, Zumtobel Staff, Motorola, Hewlett Packard, Elan, Voelkl, Samsung, North Sails, Harken. Teaching: Istituto Europeo di Design, Scuola Italiana di Design Professional experiences: Studio & Partners (N. Bewick, M. De Lucchi, T. Fritze, E. Torri), Continuum (Milan – Boston - Seoul) Pubblications: International Design Year Book (Tom Dixon 2004, Marcel Wanders 2005), ADI Design Index, New Chairs: Innovation in Design, Technology, And Materials (Mel Byars) Products: Leudo Lounge, LowRes, Apple, KaleidoLight, Valencia, Duocanter, Spoletta, Nuance, Ope’n’Squeeze, Minimesis, Eclipse, Aero. Credits: Pangoo



Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec Design
Ronan and erwan Bouroullec - Design studio Paris
Fernando and Humberto Campana


Design Consultancy: CONTINUUM | Right idea. Real results
Design consultancy helping companies turn ideas into market success through the application of design strategy, product innovation, and brand experience.

Matali Crasset

deepdesign website


ding3000 ist ein junges deutsches designbüro aus hannover, gegründet von Sven Rudolph, Carsten Schelling und Ralf Webermann, ding3000 gestaltet produkte, räume und konzepte und ist bekannt für folgende produkte corona, charge box, schaumleuchtding, stuckleuchtding, kerzenhaltding, dem nussknacker ray und viele andere, ding3000 is a young german design agency from hanover, designs products,interiors and concepts, is known for following products, schaumleuchtding, buchleuchtding, stuckleuchtding, kerzenhaltding, the nutcracker ray and many more
Tom Dixon
Dyson - Making everyday products work better

Ecocats > Home

ecolean | sustainable packaging

página web del estudio arquitectura [ecosistema urbano]
Sitio web oficial del Estudio de arquitectura Ecosistema Urbano
Ecotricity - the world's first green electricity company
Renewable energy by wind power. Green electricity... we invented it!

Elium Studio - - global & industrial design
[Elium] : 5 bulles en apesanteur. Equipe de 5 designers basée à Paris, eliumstudio a fait du design global et du design produit sa spécialité.
Fort d'une expérience internationale de plus de 10ans, c'est par son professionnalisme et sa créativité qu'eliumstudio explore tout les champs de la création.
Du luxe à la grande distribution, de la pièce unique au produit de grande série. La complémentarité de 5 personnalités venues de l'architecture, du design et de la mode pour une production riche et multiple. L'union autour de l'Imagination, la Passion et l'Ethique. [Elium] : 5 bubbles away from gravity.Eliumstudio is a team of 5 designers specialised in global and product design. With more than 10 years of international experience, eliumstudio explores all the fields of creation through its professionalism and creativity.From the luxury to the mass markets, from unique pieces to mass products.5 complementary personalities coming from architecture, design and fashion, engaged in a rich and diverse production. An association around Imagination, Passion and Ethics.
jozeph forakis ... design




Konstantin Grcic Industrial Design

GRO design
Alfredo Häberli Design Development Zurich
Alfredo Häberli Design Development Zurich, Seefeldstrasse 301a, CH-8008 Zürich
Zaha Hadid Architects

Hayon Studio

Industrial Facility
Sam Hecht and Kim Colin formed design studio Industrial Facility in 2002 to explore the junction between product and space. Industrial design is about the object in relation to its landscape, spatially, culturally and performatively. It is the practice of understanding and often creating a context of use and meaning.
Indio da Costa - AUDT
INDIO DA COSTA A.U.D.T - Arquitetura, urbanismo, design e transportes
Intelligent Energy

James Irvine

伊東 豊雄 (いとう・とよお),連絡先
Patrick Jouin

Suntae Kim

Apple designs and creates iPod and iTunes, Mac laptop and desktop computers, the OS X operating system, and the revolutionary iPhone.
カーボン & プロダクトデザイン ニコラデザイン・アンド・テクノロジー

Lavernia, Cienfuegos y Asociados l Diseño grafico e industrial l Nacho Lavernia l Alberto Alvarez de Cienfuegos l Alberto Cienfuegos l Inicio
Estudio de diseño grafico e industrial ubicado en Valencia. Larga trayectoria profesional. Nacho Lavernia Comany - Alberto Alvarez de Cienfuegos Hernandez - Eva Benedito - Carolina Hereu - Fernando Amador - Silvio Argudo - Lucia Hurtado - Beatriz Garcia. Premio Laus 1986 Señalizacion, 1996 Imagen corporativa y Packaging, 1998 Packaging, Delta de Plata 2003, Design Plus 2005, Certificate of Tipographic Excellence 2005, AEPD 2006, Design Plus 2007, Certificate of Tipographic Excellence 2007. Productos seleccionados en Valencia Innovacion 1985, 1986 y 1987, Seleccion Delta ADI-FAD 1987, Nominacion EADP 1995 y 1996, Seleccion para the best european design & advertising 6ª, 7ª y 8ª ediciones, premios laus 1986, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001 2002.
Mathieu Lehanneur
site officiel de Mathieu Lehanneur, Designer
lievore altherr molina

::: LOT-EK :::

Ross Lovegrove
The work of Ross Lovegrove
Lunar Design

Marine Current Turbines
Marine Current Turbines Ltd (MCT) is the world leader and first mover in marine current and tidal stream energy. The company has applied some of the most promising techniques for the exploitation of this important energy resource and has the benefit of ten UK granted patents.
Marmol Radziner Prefab designs, builds, delivers and installs modern green sustainable prefab homes and houses.

Fredrik Mattson
Fredrik Mattson
Ingo Maurer
Ingo Maurer
Alberto Meda | Designer
Alberto Meda - Ingegnere
brodie neill
Marc Newson Ltd.
Marc Newson's catalogue of furniture, editions, interiors, architecture, objects and design.
NICE Car Company. Electric car. Electric truck. Electric bike. Electric scooter. That's NICE. :: | Home
Impartial advice and the best range of zero-emission, electric vehicles in Europe. That's NICE. If you are looking for environmentally-friendly vehicles, the NICE Car Company is here to help you make the right choice - from electric cars, electric trucks,
Patrick Norguet | Freelance product designer
Patrick Norguet freelance product designer
Office of Mobile Design :: A Jennifer Siegal Company
giovanni pagnotta
satyendra pakhale - cultural nomad
PearsonLloyd Design Ltd
Philips - Philips Design
Phoenix Design
Porsche Design
karim rashid
Karim Rashid
Design Studio S
: : Skibsted Ideation A/S : :
Smart Design
Sony Japan | Sony Design
Welcome to the official Philippe Starck homepage.
Tesla Motors
The official site for Tesla Motors, makers of the Tesla Roadster, the high-performance electric sports car. Electric cars from Tesla Motors are developed with an emphasis on design, performance, and efficiency.
Danny Venlet
studio hannes wettstein
Das Studio Hannes Wettstein zählt zu den renommiertesten Design- und Innenarchitektur-Agenturen der Schweiz. Es erforscht, entwickelt und realisiert Möbel, Alltagsgegenstände und Innenräume für Kunden aus dem In- und Ausland.
Tokujin Yoshioka Design
吉岡徳仁デザイン事務所の公式ホームページ。1967年生まれ。倉俣史朗、三宅一生に師事後、2000年吉岡徳仁デザイン事務所設立。 ISSEY MIYAKEのショップやインスタレーションなどのデザイン、その他、HERMES、SWAROVSKIなど、世界中の企業とコラボレートしている。 紙の椅子「Honey-pop」(2001)、ヤマギワ「ToFU」、au design projectの携帯電話「MEDIA SKIN」などは、デザインの領域を超え、アートとしても世界で高く評価されている。数々の作品がニューヨーク近代美術館(MoMA)など、世界の主要美 術館でパーマネントコレクションに認定されている。 2001年毎日デザイン賞、2006年(第57回)芸術選奨文部科学大臣新人賞、2007年には、デザインマイアミ/デザイナー・オブ・ザ・イヤーほか受 賞多数。 また、アメリカのNewsweek誌では「世界が尊敬する日本人100人」に選ばれている。
Youmeus | Product Design and New Product Development
Youmeus is a new generation design consulting company that helps its clients lead in their markets. We specialise in bringing brands to life in three dimensions, creating new products, services and engaging experiences.
Welcome to!

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