Tuesday, 8 December 2009

GREEN FOOTSTEP, a design tool for sustainable buildings

''Your building, your carbon, and what you can do about it'' ...it's the main idea behind this useful tool for architects. For sure it's not the first carbon footprint calculator but it is the first to include multiple building emissions over the building lifetime, also this tool gives you directions on what to do to decrease the footprint of your projects. This on-line resource was developed by the Rocky Mountain Institut, a group of very prepared people that are very concern about how we use our energetic resources and how we can improve the performance of our built-environments, so concern are they about this topics that not only they make realy good tools to help us to meke good decitions related to the footprint of our projects, but they also explain us the teory and the legislation behind this issues in a realy clear way and with all the reference needed. So, check the site and start to design in a little bit greener way.

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