Sunday, 5 May 2013

3D portraits from random DNA samples

Heather Dewey-Hagborg
Something you may not be aware is that you are leaving a DNA footprint behind every chewing-gum you throw away in the street. And something you may not even imagine is that there someone that can pick it up, go to a DIY biology lab, amplify the DNA sample through PCR (polymerase chain reaction)  to study the SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) and trace in this way genetic traits like, gender, eye color, hair color, ancestry and so. But that´s not the end of the story, after an Allele profile has been define a computer software builds a 3D model of THE FACE! of the individual whose DNA was found in the chewing-gum and after some "finishing touches" the 3D model is printed and hang in a wall (some will say like a hunting trophy) of an Art Gallery. Yes, this is an Art project still. Heather Dewey-Hagborg is the responsible for this amazing journey from Science to Art. Her work can be seen in some galleries now and of course in her website and in her Blog.

Via: thisiscolossal

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